21 Hollywood Men Who Seem Like Real Douchebags


3. Kanye West

Now this here man is practically the definition of an enigma. He sometimes makes the best music in his genre, but there are also moments when you just want to rip your ears off after listening to him talking.

Some of his fashion designs are slick and cool, some you wouldn’t even wear for fun. He often amazes us with moments of ingenuity and good manners while there are times when he climbs up to the stage during Beck’s speech to say that the singer should give the Grammy to Beyoncé. What remains a solid fact is this – Kanye really knows how to be a giant pain in the backside.

His behavior is perfectly balanced between being absolutely hilarious and being a real douche. He’s unbelievably self-centered, and we sometimes wonder whether Kim loves him because she has adamantium nerves or an endless void in her head.

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