7 Hollywood Feuds We Can’t Get Enough Of


Ah, Hollywood. The land of bright lights, paparazzi, and parties isn’t always centered around the glitz and glamour. With so many different personalities, opinions, and platforms to call someone out, it seems like every month there’s a new feud going on. Whether you’ve lived under a rock for the past few years or you simply love reading up on a good feud, we’ve chalked up 7 of the most famous fights in Hollywood.

Read on to see what they are!

1. Kim Kardashian vs. Jon Hamm

Poking at Kim Kardashian for using her sex appeal for pretty much anything, Mad Men star Jon Hamm sure has a thing or two to say about the reality starlet. With alluding to Kardashian’s sex tape, it looks like this feud isn’t going anywhere.

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