Justin Bieber And One Direction To Release Album On Same Day


Justin Bieber is already starting to heavily promote his new album, which still doesn’t have a name, but does have a release date. That release date is November 13. Coincidentally or not, One Direction are putting out their new album “Made in the A.M.” on the same exact day.

Usually, if either Bieber or One Direction put out an album, they are pretty much guaranteed the number one spot on the Billboard charts. But now it’s Highlander status and there can be only one. Bieber is pretty confident that he is going to win the war.

He posted a video on social media yesterday mocking One Direction, saying that this is the face you make when you decide to release your album on the same day as he is, and then making a face of fright and fear. People close to One Direction have said that the band doesn’t not mind the friendly competition and that they are all good friends with Bieber.

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