Manson’s Kid Is Sort Of A Performer


Charles Manson has a few kids, but it seems only one of them, Matthew Roberts, cares enough about daddy to put on a performance of sorts in order to exonerate him and try to convince people that Charlie was not such a bad guy.

Namely, little Matt plans on putting on a performance called The Retrial of Charles Manson where he will be playing his dad, defending himself at a make-believe trial for the chilling 1969 murders. According to Matt, his daddy was actually a nice guy and he wasn’t to blame for the deaths of 9 people, including the then-wife of Roman Polanski, Sharon Tate.

And while there is a chance that Manson didn’t actually commit any of the murders, it has been clear from the very start that he was the “brains” behind the whole operation. The kid should really find a less disgusting way to seek attention.

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