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Paralympian Oscar Pistorius was found not guilty of murdering his partner Reeva Steencamp during a shooting at his home on Valentine’s Day, 2013.
Pistorius broke down in tears as Judge Thokozile Masipa delivered the verdict at the Pretoria High Court in South Africa on Thursday, September 11.
He was accused of deliberately shooting his girlfriend during an argument. For his part, Pistorius had always maintained he had shot his 29-year old girlfriend, a model and law graduate, in self-defense, mistaking her for an intruder.
Judge Masipa said they had no evidence that Oscar was guilty.
The state has not proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of premeditated murder. There are just not enough facts to support such a finding.
Masipa accepted the defense’s timeline of events, ruling that the shooting took place at 3:12 in the morning. It meant screams heard by neighbors at 3:17 a.m. were those of a distraught Pistorius, not of Steenkamp and Pistorius rowing.

Charlie Shoemaker/Getty Images News / Getty Images