a katz / Shutterstock.com
Donald Trump did an interview with Yahoo and as part of it, he was asked to play celebrity associations, saying the first thing that comes to his tiny mind when he hears the name of a random celebrity. Since this is a burning issue for politicians these days, he agreed to play along.
Among other things, he was asked about the first thing that comes to his minuscule mind when Taylor Swift is mentioned. He, of course, answered “terrific.” Jay-Z was also mentioned and Trump said he’s a “nice guy.” The interviewer then turned it up a notch and asked about Charlie Sheen. Trump immediately responded with “sad.”
The most interesting part of the interview involved the Holy Mother 2.0 herself, . Namely, when he heard her name, Trump got all clumsy and tight-lipped. He finally muttered something about Kim always being nice to him and stuff. Not even the potential presidential candidates mess with the Kardashian Klan.