Heard Drops Charges Against Depp


It has been long overdue. This whole Amber Heard and Johnny Depp celebrity divorce thing was getting really old lately, with people appearing and failing to appear at depositions and the obligatory “did Billy Bob Thornton get involved” making a brief appearance.

But praise all the gods in the heavens, it is all over!

As TMZ reports, Heard and Depp decided to settle their divorce case the old-fashioned American way – one party (Depp) pays the other party (Heard) off and the other party decides not to pursue the case any further.

The sum? A cool $7 million.

Of course, the couple issued a statement, but it is such a lazy string of commonplace phrases that we don’t really see the point in writing about it. If you wish, you can read it here.

They were a lame couple and their lame feud ended with a lame settlement.

We can finally get on with our lives.

Related: Did Amber Heard Have An Affair With Biily Bob Thornton?


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