Joe Seer / Shutterstock.com
It’s weird to see late night show host Jimmy Kimmel get serious and almost choked up on television, but that’s what happened last night. The main topic of his introductory monologue was the death of the beloved Cecil The Lion, a protected animal from Zimbabwe. The man who ended up killing Cecil illegally was an American dentist by the name of Walter Palmer. He apparently paid $55,000 to track and kill an African lion.
Of course, killing Cecil was illegal because he was being researched by Oxford University.
He said that Palmer must be sexually frustrated, if killing animals gets him off, and even added that he should have used Viagra to avoid becoming the most hated man in America who didn’t advertise Jell-O pudding – an obvious reference to Bill Cosby.
Kimmel ended the tirade asking people to donate to the Oxford research team that was working with Cecil before his death.
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