Jaguar PS / Shutterstock.com
If you’re a Belieber and still haven’t met the man, you might be out of luck. Justin Bieber has announced that he is no longer going to be holding meet-and-greats for fans after concerts.
Why would be be doing this? To meet the celebrity pop singer, you’ll have to fork over about $2,000, so it’s a great money-maker for him, but as we know, the young pop star really doesn’t need the money that bad. Bieber explained the move on his Instagram account, posting a picture with a happy fan hugging him. He said that the process is very draining for him and that he ends up “filled with so much of other people’s spiritual energy,” that he is left feeling depressed and unhappy in the end.
It’s really hard to blame him. Bieber is one of the biggest stars in the world and he is being stalked and photographer wherever he goes. The fact that he wants more time for himself after his shows is completely understandable, but it’s still a sad day for Beliebers around the world who won’t have the opportunity to get close to him.