Actress Lena Dunham defended her right to keep a biting rescue dog after she was accused of not training the animal properly.
On Wednesday, May 28, Lena posted a picture on her Instagram.com page showing her injury after her pet, Lamby, bit her on the bottom.
After sharing the photograph with her followers, Lena has been criticized by many pet owners and activists who all claim the owner apparently failed to train the dog properly.
A furious writer on Gawker.com even wrote an article with the headline “Take Away Lena Dunham’s Spoiled, Vicious Dog Before It Attacks Again”
He also noted Lena was ‘unfit’ to own an animal.
Lena then took to Twitter.com to defend Lamby, a “special-need” dog, which she rescued from a shelter in Brooklyn, New York in 2013.
She wrote, “I cannot believe I am about to type the following series of tweets. Advance apologies: Last night I posted an image of my butt after my dog was scared by the doorbell, jumped up and bit me…”
“We have a special-need rescue dog who has bitten me twice, under specific circumstances, in our own home… He has an amazing trainer… We monitor him closely. He’s never show (sic) aggression to anyone anywhere else but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t, so I’m vigilant. But… ”
She continued, “(I) got pretty defensive. On the topic of my dog. I’m just saying the concerned folks should go back to reading the news. There’s a bunch. And in conclusion, to the ‘tipster’ who told Gawker I was feeding my dog a plate of salmon at an outdoor cafe. F**k yeah I was.”