TORU YAMANAKA/AFP/Getty Images / Getty Images
‘Resident Evil’ star, Mila Jovovich, announced on her Facebook.com page that she is expecting again. For Mila and her husband – producer of all ‘Resident Evils’ Paul Andersen – this will be the second child.
In addition to happy news, she also stated that ‘Resident Evil 6’ will be delayed, as some of the scenes are not suitable for a pregnant lady. She also apologized to fans and thanked them for their patience.
This was originally going to be a post to tell you how excited I am about flying to Cape Town, South Africa to begin working on Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. But… My husband Paul and I just discovered that we are expecting another baby!!!
Between the stunt work and what will become my ever-expanding belly, we didn’t think pregnancy and zombie killing are the best combo! Lol! I imagine the only thing I’ll be killing in the near future is an endless supply of cupcakes. Yikes…
She also shared:
In all seriousness though, we want to make the best movie possible and that would be extremely difficult, to say the least, in my present condition.