15 Celebs That Shouldn’t Leave the House Without Makeup


10. Christina Ricci

Christina Ricci achieved stardom when she was just a child.  Her brilliant performance in ‘’The Adams Family’’ has been critically acclaimed around the world.

She had roles in films such as ‘’The Ice Storm’’, ‘’The Opposite of Sex’’, ‘’Sleepy Hollow’’, ‘’Monster’’, ‘’Penelope’’ and ‘’Black Snake Moan.’’

‘’I knew I would never be cast as the pretty girl.’’

Christina Ricci had self-esteem issues for years.

‘’For years, I hated myself. I covered the mirrors in my house. I literally couldn’t have a mirror in my room. I still can’t sit in a restaurant or someplace where I can catch my reflection. I get so paranoid.’’

‘’I’m not perfect-looking and I don’t say the right things, I’m a little different, nothing really special, but I guess I come across as a little more real to people and that comes through on the screen. I know I look young, but with the right make-up I can look older. I definitely feel older.’’

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