23 Ugliest British Celebrities


Don’t get us wrong, we are not trying to be mean with our list of 23 Ugliest British Celebrities. It is just a matter of human nature. We like to gossip about people who have more money than us. It feels sort of nice.

Also, the fact that the celebs on our list do not exactly conform to the Hollywood standard of beauty does not mean they are not charming or beautiful in another way. In fact, in most cases, we will be talking about some really cool people who are simply not your Ken and Barbie type.

1. Wayne Rooney

Wayne Rooney is an English soccer player (footballer) who plays for Manchester United, one of the biggest clubs in the world. He is also one of the best English soccer players in the last 10 years and he is well-loved in his native country.

One thing he is not is a good-looking dude. Unlike so many soccer players today, he is a true throwback to the days when soccer players looked more like convicts than underwear models. In England, he is the butt of innumerable jokes, many of which revolve around the fact that he resembles Shrek quite a bit.

There were some rumors circulating that he might go to Real Madrid (where soccer players do look like underwear models) and Spanish fans were quick to comment how his homely appearance would not fit in very well.

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