s_bukley / Shutterstock.com
We loved Garry Shandling here at CelebZen. Even as his career veered off course in the last few years, we still remembered his contribution to American comedy. We have to admit we didn’t know as much about him as we did about some other celebrities and that is probably why it came as such a huge surprise when we learned he was actually a Buddhist.
In fact, this is yet another reason to love Garry. Unlike so many celebs who feel they have to inform everyone in the world of the fact they are Buddhist, Garry was one without pomp. One might say, in true Buddhist fashion.
Well, in death, he will be honored as a Buddhist monk during a ceremony scheduled for next month. In a small ceremony, his head will be shaved by a Buddhist monk and he will be “sent off” in a traditional Buddhist fashion so that his spirit enters the spirit world in the right way. There is still no news on whether he will be buried or cremated, though.
RELATED: Comedic Powerhouse Garry Shandling Dies