Transsexual porn star Buck Angel wants his estranged wife to pay him spousal support, but it looks like it might not happen for him.
And the reason could be that Buck Angel never actually went through with a full sex change. According to the law in Louisiana, Buck Angel and his estranged wife cannot technically be married. Why is that? It’s because Angel doesn’t actually have a penis!
If you’ve never heard of Angel, then you haven’t been following the porn industry well enough. Angel is a transsexual porn star that has become very popular in the world of adult entertainment and has even made appearances on the Howard Stern Show which are now considered legendary.
Now that the star is getting divorces, Angel’s estranged wife is looking to get out of paying spousal support. And it looks like she’s going to be able to do so. Since Buck Angel never fully became a man, their union in Louisiana is not really legal. And since the state does not support same sex marriages, they are not technically married.
According to Louisiana law, you need to get your genitalia altered if you want to successfully change your sex, and Angel never did that. The porn star is seeking $2,000 a month of spousal support from the ex-wife, adding that she secretly took out $500,000 from a joint bank account while they were still married.
Angel might be out of luck, simply because he doesn’t have anything to tuck.