21 Famous Women And Their Young Lovers


When it comes to love, these fabulous ladies know that age is just a number and that relationships with age gaps are not reserved for the stronger sex.

Here are 21 gorgeous women who have broken taboos and enjoyed the company of younger men.

1. Sandra Bullock

Though you might not be aware of this, the majority of Sandra Bullock’s publicized relationships have been with younger men, her youngest beau being no other than Hollywood hunk Ryan Gosling, a whopping 16 years her junior

Following the Oscar-winning actress’ divorce from Jesse James (who is only 5 years younger than her), her on-screen love turned into an off-screen romance with her The Proposal co-star Ryan Reynolds, who is 10 years younger than her.

When you come to think of it, Bullock’s affection toward younger men actually makes sense. Having in mind her enthusiastic and energetic personality and positive outlook on life, it doesn’t come as a surprise that she needs a younger man to keep up with her.

Besides, she doesn’t care what other people think and believes that age is not an obstacle to love. Here’s what she said about her relationships with younger men:

“It’s funny how the older/younger thing is still a taboo… how often in life are you going to find your mate and that mate happens to be your same exact age and happens to have had the same life experiences to match where you are in our life so you guys can meet perfectly and give society what it wants? It just doesn’t happen that way…So why are we stopping these great connections based on age, or race or color or whatever, gender, whatever?”

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