Andrea Raffin / Shutterstock.com
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio can finally sleep at night. After being passed over five times for the award, he finally won his first Oscar last night, for his role in the movie “The Revenant.” And as you can probably imagine, the Internet went absolutely crazy.
And even though he was probably truly thrilled, he might have been trying to send us a subliminal message in this picture. Remember the Oscars in 2014, when Ellen Degeneres posted the “celebrity selfie seen around the world?” Well DiCaprio’s moment in the spotlight was even more potent, with 440,000 tweets going out per minute talking about the actor’s first Oscar win.
The best actress Academy Award went to Brie Larson for her role in the drama “Room.”
One of the biggest surprises of the night was that “Spotlight,” a movie that wasn’t really considered a favorite, ended up winning the best picture award. The biggest winner of the night was not DiCaprio though. It was actually the movie “Mad Max: Fury Road,” which ended up taking home a total of six Oscars last night.